Monday, March 16, 2009

Saving the World From Death by Coal

Right in the heart of our nation's capitol is a coal fired power plant which kills. This is not unusual, all coal power plants kill. They are the largest anthropogenic source of the CO2 emissions (over 40%) which have now reached high enough levels of concentration in our atmosphere that many of the world's leading experts in climate change fear the tipping point may have already been reached and catastrophic climate change may now be inevitable.
There is no such thing as clean coal
The is no such thing as safe coal
Coal may very well end life on this planet as we know it. We absolutely must stop burning coal and we must do it yesterday
We are now creating a world vastly different from the one which has been so conducive to the biological diversity and global ecosystem which allowed the human species to evolve and human civilization to flourish
In the last twelve months the number of climate change lobbyists on the Hill has increased 300%
So what's a person to do
blog it
I know this is a bit dated, but it bears repeating for those who missed it.

A group of over 2,500 people from all across the country marched on the coal fired power plant in our nation's capitol which for over 100 years has supplied heat and electricity to Congress by burning coal.

More actions in the form of civil disobedience directed against coal power plants are planned in the near future. As the world prepares for the UN COP15 Conference in Copenhagen this December, it is a critical year for, as Bill McKibben said, "creating a political space for a climate treaty to be finalized."

Time's up.

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