The design is very simple: the main rotor shaft and electrical generator sit at the top of the tower and must be pointed into the wind for maximum effect. On larger turbines, a wind sensor, coupled with a servo motor, directs the propeller into the wind and a gearbox magnifies the propeller rotation to get more suitable electrical generating power from the generator.
Historically, wind mills have been used to turn machinery which was then used to grind grain, or to pump water from wells into tanks, or to pump water from low-lying areas.
Modern wind turbines are generally used in wind farms to generate electricity. They use computers to control the servo motors and propeller speeds to provide the most efficient electrical generation even when the wind is not at its most optimum speed.
At the end of 2006, worldwide capacity of wind-powered generators was 73.9 gigawatts which represents just over 1 percent of world-wide electricity use. The U.S. reached the 10-gigawatt milestone in 2006, enough to power about 2,500,000 average American homes. A gigawatt is one billion watts of energy.

The efficiency of a wind turbine has been proven to max out at 59 percent. Since wind flow can not remain at a constant optimum speed, wind turbine output is never constant. This difference between theoretical capacity and actual productivity is called the capacity factor, which is typically 20-40 percent. Size does not matter when it comes to wind turbine capacity factor.
Therefore, when evaluating a wind turbine’s productivity, it is important to refer to the capacity factor to determine real-life output. A 1 megawatt turbine with a capacity factor of 35% will not produce the advertised 8,760 megawatt hours in a year, but only 0.35x24x365 = 3,066 MWh.
The main advantage to building larger wind turbines is that you don’t have to have as many to get the power you need.
The main disadvantage is their size. The FAA has raised concerns about tall turbines’ effects on radar in proximity to air force bases. Other disadvantages are: too many of them can be an eyesore, they are noisy, and the environmental impact is such that birds are being chopped up by the tens of thousands.
A market for residential wind power is developing for small wind turbines to produce electricity to cut your dependency on the local utility but homeowners are facing opposition from neighbors who don’t want to see a tall, noisy wind mill in the next yard.
Single small turbines, below 100 kilowatts, are used for homes, telecommunications dishes, or water pumping. Small turbines are sometimes used in connection with diesel generators, batteries, and photovoltaic systems. These systems are called hybrid wind systems and are typically used in remote, off-grid locations, where a connection to the utility grid is not available. They can generate enough electrical power for up to 6 average homes.
Larger turbines, typically used in wind farms, on average, produce up to 6 MW each (now 7 MW with the Enercon E-126), which can provide power to 1,500-1,800 average homes per year.
To address the need for larger scale energy production, turbines need to be better designed, not bigger. They need to be less noisy and have less impact on the environment.
For residential use, a long vertical rod with blades along its axis, and attached to the home's roof line at the top of the house or hanging under the eaves would look a lot better than a tall wind mill. Of course the efficiency would have to be tested to see if it is feasible.
There has got to be a more acceptable method of harnessing the wind than with larger propellers and towers.
What is your opinion?
sorry but you realy don't get the point...
bigger turbines have many advantages..
1. their blades move slower... so birds have more time to avoid beeing "chooped"
2. if you can generate more engery with less turbines you save money
3. fewer turbines means fewer moving parts and this reduces maintenance-costs
4.fewer turbines means also fewer birds beeing chopped^^
5. 6 big 7 MW turbines look better than 84 500 kw turbines (your picture)
6. even if you don't believe me a foundation for one 7 MW turbine is cheaper than seven foundation for 1 MW turbines...
7. fewer moving parts means LESS noise... these 7 mw monseters are realy quiet...(next time please check your facts)
sorry for my poor english...
Thank you for your comments mikel. You raise several valid points.
Bigger turbines are no more efficient than their smaller cousins. However, the larger turbine does produce more energy and takes up less space than the many smaller ones it will replace therefore making it more cost efficient to build and operate.
My point is that we need to come up with a means of producing more energy whether we use wind turbines or some other structure. Maybe it is a few years off but I believe it can be done.
Also, about the noise level, you are correct. After more research I found an article that states "The noise level is about the same noise level you will hear sitting in your kitchen listening to your fridge". Thank-you for pointing that out.
As far as birds survivability goes
these remain a hazard.
Thanks again for commenting.
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