On the front page of Yahoo this morning I saw an article telling us of ‘8 clever solutions for cleaning windows’. Naturally, I just had to check it out to see if these 8 clever ideas were still pushing the chemically laden solutions or if they were getting on board with safer chemical free solutions.
Let’s examine them one by one: The numbered items are reprinted from the article followed by an alternative:
1. "My windows always streak after washing"
Use a window-washing squeegee with a smooth, soft rubber edge. Washing windows is a tiresome chore, but it’s even worse when your labors leave streaks on the windows. Here’s how the pros avoid streaking when they wipe off their windows: Use a window-washing squeegee with a smooth, soft rubber edge. (Or use crumpled-up black-and-white newspaper—avoid the color sections.) Dry a 1-inch (2.5 centimeter) strip at the top or side of each window and always start your squeegee there—starting on dry glass is one key to avoiding streaks. Don’t wash windows in direct sunlight, because quickly dried glass is more susceptible to streaking. Evenings or cloudy days are the times for window washing.
They mention a crumpled-up black-and-white newspaper, this is good. Newspaper ink is soy-based and therefore bio-degradable, hard plastic and rubber…not so much.
I use lint-free cloth from old clothing that I wash in my homemade laundry detergent that has not been washed or dried with fabric softener, very important as fabric softener residue will leaves streaks. Works great…the single best advice given here is to not wash the windows in direct sunlight. What is not mentioned here is the window wash solution…white vinegar and warm water.
2. "My blinds are dust magnets!"
Use an antistatic spray. To keep dust from piling up quickly, use an antistatic spray, such as Static Guard, on the window blinds right after you clean them.
Antistatic sprays are chemical based. Ethanol, Polyoxypropylene Methyl diethyl, Ammonium Chloride, Liquified Petroleum Gas. Is the dust build up really worth using this stuff? Dusting the blinds with a feather duster, a soft cloth and/or vacuum with an upholstery brush attachments works best. Here are some
helpful tips.
3. "There’s mildew on my window frames"
Wash with a bleach-detergent solution. Black or gray mildew spots on wooden frames can be cleaned for good with a solution of 2 ounces (60 milliliters) of household bleach and 1 ounce (30 milliliters)of laundry detergent in a quart of water. Wearing rubber gloves to protect your hands, sponge the solution on the spots, let it sit for ten minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
This one is pretty enviro-friendly. Note it is always best to clean window frames before cleaning window glass so solution does not spot glass panes.
Helpful tips.
4. "My outside windowsills get dirty so quickly"
Apply a coat of floor wax. Because your exterior windows are exposed to the elements, they are subject to collecting a lot of dirt. But there is a simple way to keep your sills clean: Wipe on a coat of clear floor wax to protect them.
This one is acceptable but regular cleaning is best. Mix 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of ammonia in a bucket, wipe the window sills with a soft rag soaked in the vinegar/ammonia mixture and wrung out, get out an old toothbrush to get to those hard to reach corners then rinse with clean water. You can let it air dry or use a soft cloth.
5. "My shades are filthy"
Dust or wash the shades. Dust shades regularly with a soft cloth, a duster such as the Swiffer, or the dusting brush on your vacuum. (Be sure to dust both sides of the shades.) If they’re stained or spotted, it’s time for a real cleaning. Though you can wash them in place (with a drop cloth over the floor and furniture), it’s best to remove the shades. Place one shade at a time across a worktable covered with a plastic sheet or shower curtain. Wash vinyl shades using a sponge and a solution of 1⁄4 cup white vinegar in 1 quart (1 liter) of warm water. Washing them in the bathtub is even easier. Run some warm water in the tub, add a squirt of dishwashing liquid, and wipe each side with a large sponge. To rise, dunk them in clean water or hold them under the shower. Then wipe with a clean, soft cloth. Many fabric shades can also be washed, but take a close look at the care instructions before washing them. It’s best not to leave them in the water for more than a minute or so.
Swiffer products use chemicals to get the job done. Need I say more? Plus, buying these one-time-use products are not enviro-firendly. Follow the otherwise ‘cleaner’ method mentioned here and replace the unfriendly Swiffer for that soft cloth. And, again, do it regularly so dirt does not have a chance to build up.
6. "My windows get dirty too fast"
Change your heating and cooling system's filter. If the interior glass surface of your windows gets dirty unusually fast, you may need to change the filters on your furnace or air conditioner. Modern airtight homes trap more dust, pollen, dander, and other particles inside than ever before. Furnace and air-conditioner filters help trap that dirt and also extend the life of your appliances. Filters should be changed every month or two or anytime you can’t see light through the filter when you hold it up to a light.
This is actually the best advise. Regularly changing your filters gets rid of dust, pollen, etc before it can get re-circulated.
7. "Secondhand smoke is killing my windows"
Wash it with ammonia solution. To remove nicotine film or other grime from windows, you need ammonia. Mix 1 cup of lemon scented ammonia in 21⁄2 gallons (9.5 liters) of water and use this solution to clean the windows. The ammonia will cut through the grime, and the lemon scent will leave your house habitable.
Another safe enviro-friendly solution.
8. "My screens are filthy"
Remove and wash. The best way to clean window screens is to remove them from the window and wash them outside. Using abroad, soft-bristled brush, scrub both sides of the screens with warm to hot water and lemon-scented dishwashing detergent. Pick up the screen by its edges, hold it at an angle so most of the screen surface is facing the ground, and rap one edge lightly against a firm surface. This will shake loose any dirt. Rinse with a hose and air-dry thoroughly before reinstalling.
It seems we are getting more enviro-friendly. Several years ago these problems would have been met with much harsher methods. Most of these tips offered are getting away from chemicals although there are still a few of us out there who still hang on to the more convenient chemical-based sprays and wipes.
The only way we are going to get companies to stop selling these is to stop buying them. Speak with your pocketbook and companies will have to listen.